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Apr 02, 2020

At a time when things get tough, we believe in working together, coming together and supporting one another.  In this quite frankly, unimaginable time, the situation has affected all of us, each in different ways.

At a time like this when it can be so nerve-wracking for people to self-isolate and when there’s so much uncertainty, we wanted to come together as a community and spread positivity.

Here at ROOBBA, we have joined forces with six people who share a love of their home. They each have their own beautiful story and we take such inspiration from themselves and their homes. And together they are sharing their advice on how to make your home a sanctuary during these challenging times.

We are proud to have our first interview with Amelia Brown, whose home is so distinctively chic, with grey hues and navy statements.

Instagram: amelias.homestyle.x
Which ROO Are You? ROObuild

Hi Amelia! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Luke & I bought our home 18 months ago and couldn’t wait to get rid of the magnolia walls so within a few weeks I’d decorated several rooms and got the bug. Could not wait to do more! I started my Interior Instagram account just over a year ago and love the home community on there; it’s an amazing place to get inspo and to share too. We get married this year which as you can imagine is a little nerve-wracking with the situation we are all in right now so I am trying to stay positive and use Instagram to keep my mind sane! We’ve got this.

Where does your passion for design and interiors stem from?

I’ve always loved interior type programmes and couldn’t wait to buy my own house so I could get my hands dirty and do some decorating myself. My fave programme atm is Buying and Selling!

What are your thoughts on self-isolation and has it affected you in any way?

I think it is completely down to each and every single individual as to whether they feel they should self-isolate. I personally am trying to carry on as normal but being extra cautious and taking the advice of social distancing. This has affected me as we were due to go on holiday this week and it got cancelled on Friday; gutting as you can imagine but there are so many people in the same position and it’s completely out of our control. I have my hen do in June which I am aware may end up being cancelled with the predicted timeline of this outbreak; fingers crossed it doesn’t affect that and most of all the big day in August! I feel so so awful for those weddings it has affected and also for those whose careers it has had a massive impact on.

What’s your favourite room/place in your home? And do you advise people to find a spot that they can turn into their little sanctuary?

My favourite room in our home is our living room; it’s beautiful and cosy. I would definitely advise everyone to find a spot in their home where they can relax.

What are your top 3 pieces of advice for anyone self-isolating?

Use this time to be creative in your home; DIY projects (lots on Instagram and Youtube, including my DIY Orchid you can find on my story highlights) and get your hands dirty do some decorating. Maybe do a deep clean, all those jobs we don’t generally have time for. Clean home, clean mind. ? Facetime/communicate with your family and friends so you don’t feel completely isolated.

What are your top 3 tips for those people that are new for working from home?

Keep some of your routine you have at work at home; for example in the morning at work I will make myself a jug of lemon water & a green tea, working from home I will do the same thing. Make sure you have your lunch break in a different room to where you’re working so you do actually get a break and don’t spend the whole day in one room. Maybe sit in the garden and get some fresh air (if it’s not too cold or raining!)

What are your top 3 design tips for those who want to spruce up their home during this time?

It doesn’t have to be expensive! Use Instagram and Youtube for lots of inspiration for DIY projects and decorating. Add fresh flowers to a room; it helps brighten my mood and looks pretty. Rearrange your wardrobes/cupboards/drawers; have a good clear out and tidy everything up – it’s so satisfying afterwards!

What pieces of advice do you have for those living on their own during self-isolation?

Make sure you facetime/call/text family and friends so you don’t feel lonely.

Do you prefer home cooking or take-outs? And what will be your go-to foods during this time? Any tips on this?

Don’t get me wrong I love a takeaway but I do home cook most evenings. Feel free to check my story highlights for some saved dead easy but super tasty recipes. I have noticed lots of local restaurants are doing take out services now so they still have a source of income so if you aren’t a fan of cooking let’s support our locals. ?

What are your tips for our incredibly inspirational NHS force and key workers when they come home from a shift?

YOU time. You absolutely bloody well deserve it. Run a bath, pour a glass of wine and enjoy it.

Thank you Amelia, you’re right – we have definitely got this.
There’s such an incredible feeling when people come together, to support one another through tough times. And there’s one quote which we feel is so relevant – “Beautiful Things Can Still Happen In the Midst of Chaos.”
Keep Safe Everyone.

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